Hospitality X connects the hospitality industry and new urban developments with the socially relevant industries of tomorrow.

Hospitality X Development

  1. Grundstücks Akquisition

    Identifizierung von geeigneten Standorten und Erwerb von Grundstücken

  2. Planung und Entwurf

    Erstellung von Architektur-, Konstruktions- und Entwicklugnsplänen

  3. Genehmigung und Regulierung

    Einholung von Genehmigungen bei lokalen Behörden und Einhaltung von Regulierungen und Gesetzen

  4. Finanzierung

    Beschaffung von Finanzmitteln für die Immobilienentwicklung – einschließlich Kredite, Eigenkapital und Invesitionen

  5. Konstruktion und Bau

    Einrichtung von Gebäuden und Infrastrukturen gemäß den genehmgigten Plänen

Otto Konstantin Lindner



  1. Master of Science Strategic Management

    Rotterdam School of Management. Erasmus University

  2. Co-Founder & Managing Director

    of Hospitality X

  3. Marathon Runner

    Los Angeles (Nov. 2021) New York (Nov. 2023)

  4. Co-Founder & Managing Director

    of The Zipper Hotel & Apartments

  5. Development of an International Mobility Consulting Team

    in Los Angeles from 5 consultants to 70 consultants

Tobias Sebastian Oberdieck



  1. Economist

    (Volkswirt) University of Cologne

  2. Co-Founder & Managing Director

    of Hospitality X

  3. Former Head of Development

    Lindner Hotels and me and all hotels

  4. Co-Founder and Managing Director

    of The Zipper Hotel & Apartments

  5. Development

    of the boutique hotel concept me and all hotels

Otto Lindner

Chairman of the Advisory Board


  1. Diplom Kaufmann

    Univiersity of Cologne

  2. 35 Years + Experience in the Hotel Industry

    building up the portfolio of 45 Lindner Hotels and me and all hotels projects

  3. Professional Pilot & Marathon Runner

    16 marathons

  4. President

    of the German Hotel Association

  5. Development of an International mobility consulting team

    in Los Angeles from 5 consultants to 70 consultants

Alexandra Weber

Head of Sales and strategic Partnerships


  1. Head of Sales and strategic partnerships

    of The Zipper Hotel & Apartments

  2. Head of Sales & strategic partnerships

    of Hospitality X

  3. Hospitality Professional

    more than 25 years of experience in the hospitality industry

  4. Association activities

    Board of directors of the MICE & Sales departments of HSMA Deutschland e. V.

  5. Head of Task Force to automate group & Meeting bookings using technology

    Increasing conversion rates by up to 3x and rducing operational costs by up to 70%

The first project of Hospitality X is an absolute trophy asset.

The world's first zoo-themed hotel

Get in touch

x contact


Pariser Straße 83-89
D-40549 Düsseldorf

